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Hi Readers,

It’s almost summertime in the ‘City again, and there’s no better time to upgrade your skin care routine. I’m not referring to the swapping of your winter foundation for a darker hue, or ditching matte for the dewy Kim K finish, but the essential element of any skincare routine: sunscreen.

Recently, the Public Access to SunScreens (PASS) Coalition—a group comprised of public health organizations, physician groups, sunscreen manufacturers, and citizens—reemphasized the importance of sunscreen in reducing the risk of melanoma, other skin cancers, and premature aging. “A warning such as this is critical,” underscored the coalition. According to the Pharmacy Times, in 2019, more than 192,000 Americans will be diagnosed with melanoma and over 7,200 Americans will die from the disease, a 7.7% increase from 2018.

Contrary to popular belief, melanoma does not only affect Caucasians; people of Afro-descent are also susceptible. Hence, why it is important that as everyone spends time outside this summer “you are diligently applying and reapplying your sunscreen throughout the day,” said CEO Michael Kaplan, Melanoma Research Alliance President & CEO.

Sunscreen also radically slows down the process of aging. When UVA rays come in contact with the surface of your skin, it penetrates beneath the skin’s surface, causing irreparable damage in the form of saggy skin, fine lines and discoloration. In order to protect the skin from sun damage, dermatologists typically recommend SP30 or higher, however, nothing lower than an SP15.

As summer quickly approaches, it is vital that we all take the necessary precautions to protect the body’s largest organ, our skin.

Health and wellness is a journey of choices, and every small one counts.

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